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This help page explains how to create numbered footnotes and references using <ref>,</ref>, and <references/> syntax, which is the current best-practice method in most circumstances.

Inserting references or footnotes

Single citation of a reference or footnote

At the point of citation in the article, enter the footnote or reference like this:

<ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes Wikipedia Footnotes] - Article explaining how footnotes work on Wikipedia (and also SmallBusiness.com)</ref>[1]

You should include formatting and links in the footnote so that the reader can click through to the source. The reference will become visible in the <references/> list under the "Reference" category (see below).

Creating the list of References or Footnotes

At the point where you want the list of the footnotes or references to appear, typically at the end of the article, within a section titled '''References''' , insert this tag (two lines below the word "References"):


The template {{Reflist}} can also be used.

Reference (included as an example)

  1. Wikipedia Footnotes - Article explaining how footnotes work on Wikipedia (and also SmallBusiness.com)

See also