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Alva, Oklahoma

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This entry contains information about Alva, Oklahoma. For links to small business resources found in and around Alva, visit the Alva, Oklahoma Hub.

Alva is a city in Woods County in Oklahoma.

Alva's economy has diversified over the past decade. The agricultural sector depends on wheat and cattle. Locally produced wheat flour is used to produce dough products at the VAP (Value Added Products) plant. Alva is a retail hub for smaller towns and rural areas in the surrounding 50 miles. The largest employers are Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Share Medical Center, and the Wal-Mart SuperCenter. The downtown business district is between Flynn and Barnes Streets, bordered by 4th and 6th Streets.

City & Official websites

See also

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This city entry is a stub -- it has been started, but needs more information about the local economy and resources for small businesses that can be found locally. It is a part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Resources WIKI, a collaborative effort to collect and organize information about resources to assist small business owners and managers in every community in the U.S. Find more information about the SmallBusiness.com Local Resources WIKI here. For information about how to edit a WIKI entry, visit the Help Hub.