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Conferencing or Conference Calling is a term describing any set of interactions using collaborative technologies. Conference types include audio, web, and video and typically involve numerous technologies that may include telephone bridges, high definition cameras, IP network infrastructure, web-based software etc.

Conferencing service providers

Most phone carriers now offer the ability to have conversations with 3, or perhaps 4, participants. To have calls with larger groups, typically, a specialized service provider is necessary.

Audio conferencing

An audio conference is a telephone meeting utilizing either traditional or VOIP telephony and connects users by telephone number and special user code.

To start an audio conference:

  • Dial the phone number provided by service provider
  • Enter the passcode/pin number provided
  • Enter the moderator/host code given by service provider, if needed
  • Email the participant/attendee code to all your guests so they can join call

Web conferencing

A web conference utilizes web-based software permitting online meetings where users can typically share presentations, chat, annotate documents etc.

To start a web conference:

  • Click on the email invitation link or follow service providers instructions
  • Enter the specified user code and name, if required
  • Download any missing software, if necessary