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Francis Marion University

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The Center for Entrepreneurship at Francis Marion University is a specialized university program and curriculum focused on the study of entrepreneurship and business creation.

About the program

The Francis Marion University Center for Entrepreneurship will be the focal point for entrepreneurial activity for the state of South Carolina. The CenterÕs mission is to lead the stateÕs advancement of entrepreneurial practice and education through the development of outreach initiatives, teaching and research that inspire innovative thinking and cultivate entrepreneurial leadership. The Vision for the Center is to foster and promote new business opportunities, advancing the teaching, study and practice of entrepreneurship and new creation.



Center for Entrepreneurship
Francis Marion University
PO Box 100547
Florence, South Carolina 29502

Phone: 1-800-368-7551
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.fmarion.edu/academics/centerforentrepreneurship

See also

This University Entrepreneurship Program Entry is part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Project, an open and collaborative effort to collect and organize information about doing business in U.S. states and localities (and later, other countries). Find more entrepreneurship programs at the University Entrepreneurship Programs Hub. Visit the SmallBusiness.com Local Project entry to learn more about the project