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There are two types of links on SmallBusiness.com:

  1. internal links to other pages in the wiki
  2. external links to other websites

Internal links

To add an internal link, enclose the name of the page you want to link to in double square brackets. When you save the page, you'll see the new link pointing to your page. If the page exists already it is displayed in blue, if it does not, in red.

Selflinks to the current page are not transformed in URLs but displayed in bold.

(If you really want to link to the current page, use an anchor (see below), or [[#top|current page]] which always links to the top.)

The first letter of the target page is automatically capitalized, unless otherwise set by the admins, and spaces are represented as underscores (typing an underscore in the link will have a similar effect as typing a space, but is not recommended, since the underscore will also be shown in the text).

Description You type You get
Internal link: A link to another page on SmallBusiness.com is created by placing a work or term between two opening and two closing brackets.
[[Main Page]]
Main Page
Add a "pipe" (a vertical line) after the name on the internal link and you can type in a different word(s) you'd like to appear to users.
[[Main Page|different text]]
different text
If the word you're using is a link, but you'd like to use a plural or other form of the root word, simply enclose the part of the word that is the actual link. Our software will make the entire word look like the link.
#REDIRECT [[Main Page]]
Main Page
Internal link to an anchor
[[#See also]]
Internal links to a sub-category on another page: You can add a hashtag and the name of a subcategory right after the name of the entry and the link will go to the subcategory, not to the top of the page
[[Help:Images#See also]]
Help:Images#See also
Internal link to the current page's talk page
Internal link to a subpage: Did you know there is such a thing as a sub-page? Some entries are like little websites, with pages inside of sections. A good example on SmallBusiness.com are the Twitter Lists that appear as subpages on the Twitter entry.
Internal link to a category page
Internal link to an image or a file of other types

External links

Description You type You get
External link: Place URL between a single opening and single closing brackets.
External link with a word appearing on the page (tricky): It works like an internal link EXCEPT you don't use a "pipe" (a vertical slash).
[http://mediawiki.org MediaWiki]
External link numbered
External link icons
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.avi video]
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.wav sound]
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.pdf document]

External link icons may differ depending on the file type of the target.

video sound document

Mailto link
[mailto:[email protected] email me]
email me

How to avoid auto-links

By default, when you write a URL as is, it will be transformed to an external link.

To avoid that effect, put the URL between <nowiki> tags as in:


See also