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Help:SmallBusiness.com Local Resources WIKI

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The SmallBusiness.com Local Resources WIKI is an effort to collect and organize information about doing business in U.S. states and localities (and then, other countries).


Every city, county and state has agencies, organizations, programs, services and centers devoted to assisting and encouraging individuals who want to start a business or grow one they already own or manage. Unfortunately, it is sometimes hard for small business owners -- and those who want to start small businesses -- to discover these sources of information and assistance. The SmallBusiness.com Local Resources WIKI is designed to collect and organize a place online where people can easily find where to access all that assistance and information provided by those state and local sources. This is a tremendous task as there are literally tens of thousands of such sources. However, this is just such a task that this website and the wiki platform on which it is built was enavisioned to undertake. We started this project in December, 2009, with the initial goal of creating model pages for organizations, agencies and programs that can be found in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

This is a community project

Those of us who host SmallBusiness.com WIKI do not have the knowledge or resources necessary to collect, write and deploy this information. However, we are providing each agency a page on the SmallBusiness.com WIKI, and guidelines and assistance for how volunteers can create such entries. We have spent time trying to anticipate the way in which users will want to find resources in their area, but we also know that different types of categorization and organization will be necessary as the project progresses.

How you can help

  • If you are familiar with creating or editing pages on the SmallBusiness.com WIKI, feel free to add or edit any page in the project.