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At a small business, the term mentor can refer to two types of individuals:

A mentor for owners and managers of a small business

This type of small business mentor serves as a guide -- someone an owner or manager can turn to and ask the questions that are important and timely. A mentor could be someone in the company's industry, a friend who has run a business or another local business owner. A mentor is someone who has "been there, done that" who is willing to offer a small business owner or manager the insight and suggestions that come through years of experience.

A mentor for new employees

A mentor can also refer to a staff member who serves as a teacher and role-model for new employees. For companies with no formal training programs, mentoring can be an informal means to help new employees learn their jobs and to adapt to a new work environment.

See Also

  • SCORE - An SBA-backed organization of retired executives who volunteer to serve as mentors to small businesses.
  • Category:Management

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