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Belmont University's Center for Entrepreneurship

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Belmont University's Center for Entrepreneurship offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Undergraduates can elect to major or minor in Entrepreneurship. Graduate business students, through Belmont University's Jack C. Massey Business School can expand their business education through the Center's graduate-level courses and connections to alumni who are practicing entrepreneurs.

Special programs

Student entrepreneurs are given opportunities to work in one of the five student-run retail spaces on campus or they can develop their own business ventures with faculty support. This co-curricular programming equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed to become successful entrepreneurs.


In 2008, the program was named as one of the Top 25 Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programs in the country by Entrepreneur magazine and the Princeton Review. Also in 2008, the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) named the Center for Entrepreneurship as the National Model Undergraduate Program for excellence in entrepreneurship education.

Location and contact information

  • Belmont University
1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212-3757
University Operator: 615-460-6000
Undergraduate Admissions: 615-460-6785

See also

External links