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Product overview

billFLO is a billing and invoice processing software product that adds capabilities to a company's existing accounting system. While it works with both software as a service or desktop application accounting systems, it is a desktop application that currently is available for PCs. A Mac version is being developed.

The capabilities the software enable include:

  • billFLO seller features enable businesses to send computer readable billFLO invoices to their customers via email. The customer can import the billFLO invoice straight into their accounting system using billFLO buyer. Invoices are created as usual in your current accounting system. When you are ready to send your invoices, you tell billFLO which invoices to send. billFLO takes care of creating the billFLO invoice, PDF invoice and sending the email to your customer.
  • billFLO buyer featires provide you an email address when you setup billFLO buyer on your PC. Your suppliers email your invoices to your billFLO address and they appear in billFLO buyer automatically. You can then forward invoices to be approved by people in your company, assign invoices to the right accounts in your accounting system and import the invoice into your accounting system.


Free 30 day trail. The service is free to users who send five or less invoices per month, or $10 to $50 per month, depending on the number of invoices a user sends.

The Small Business Web

billFLO is a member of The Small Business Web, a loose coalition of independent web-based Software as a Service companies that provide services to small businesses. The software offered by the participating companies, some of whom compete with one-another, all utilize open APIs and are intended to integrate information and workflow data seamlessly among the various products.

See also

External links