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Demographic profile

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Demographic profile is a term used in marketing and broadcasting, to describe a demographic grouping or a market segment. This typically involves age, social class and gender bands. A Demographic profile can be used to determine when and where advertising should be placed to achieve maximum results.

A Demographic profile can be used to determine when and where advertising should be placed so as to achieve maximum results. In all such cases, careful research is done to match the Demographic profile of the target market to the Demographic profile of the advertising medium.

Demographic profiles are revealed through the ads that accompany the entertainment medium. For example, in the United States the television program The Price is Right most frequently airs from 11 a.m. to Noon. The commercials on it (besides the use of product placement in the show itself) are often for things like arthritis pain relievers and diapers. This indicates that the target Demographic profiles are senior citizens and parents with young children, both of which would be home at that time of day and see that show.

See Also

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