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Google Apps Marketplace

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The Google Apps Marketplace is an online ecommerce site that aggregates web applications, most of which are designed for business users. Many of the web applications sold through the Google Apps Marketplace can be integrated with web services and applications offered by Google.[1]


Google Apps Marketplace is an effort by Google to improve the way in which its own web application services for the business market can be used easily with applications that businesses manage productivity, organizational, work flow, accounting and wide-range of other business activities that Google applications do not cover. Many of these services can provide data, such as customer contact information, that can be shared by the different applications.

For customers of Google's business hosted business service Google Apps, the Google Apps Marketplace is a source of applications that work like native Google applications. With administrator approval, they may interact with calendar, email, document and/or contact data to increase productivity. Administrators can manage the applications from the Google Apps control panel, and employees can open them from within Google Apps.


  1. Google Blog, March 9, 2010

See also

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