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Help:How to be a link hero on SmallBusiness.com

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Join the SmallBusiness.com Link Team

Do you want to be a hero to users of SmallBusiness.com? (Please, say 'Yes.') One of the easiest ways to improve the content on SmallBusiness.com is to help us check the links that are on the entries listed at the bottom of the Link Team page.

Here's what to look for:

  • Links that are broken: Links that don't go anywhere should be removed. If the link was to U.S. government website, you might do a search to see if you can find the current URL. (It seems like URLs on government websites change with every new Administration.) If you can find the correct URL, change it. (Coding help can be found below.)
  • Links that are spam: The pages of SmallBusiness.com are policed pretty thoroughly, but there is a never-ending effort on the part of some people to sneak in links to sites that not related to the topic being discussed on SmallBusiness.com. Please remove them.
  • Commercial content: Except for User pages, website directories and certain product- and company- related entries, links to promotional content is prohibited. If you see such links, please remove them.
  • Help create sub-categories of links: When lists on SmallBusiness.com Directories grow long, help create sub-categories.

How to help

  1. Make sure you are registered and logged into SmallBusiness.com
  2. Find a page in need of having its links checked (list found below).
  3. After the links have been tested, fixed or removed, remove the following two things from the page:
    1. The code that says {{Clean-up-links}}
    2. This code at the bottom of the page: [[Category:LinkTeam]]

Link Help

Internal links

Description You type You get
Internal link: A link to another page on SmallBusiness.com is created by placing a work or term between two opening and two closing brackets.
[[Main Page]]
Main Page
Add a "pipe" (a vertical line) after the name on the internal link and you can type in a different word(s) you'd like to appear to users.
[[Main Page|different text]]
different text
If the word you're using is a link, but you'd like to use a plural or other form of the root word, simply enclose the part of the word that is the actual link. Our software will make the entire word look like the link.
#REDIRECT [[Main Page]]
Main Page

External links

Description You type You get
External link: Place URL between a single opening and single closing brackets.
External link with a word appearing on the page (tricky): It works like an internal link EXCEPT you don't use a "pipe" (a vertical slash).
[http://mediawiki.org MediaWiki]

Where to find links to fix

Visit the SmallBusiness.com Link Team page.

See also