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Lead scoring

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Lead scoring is a method of assigning points to each prospect you come across. Points are assigned based on specific criteria you set—those attributes you've identified as being most often associated with serious prospective customers. The higher the score, the more likely they're the right target prospect who is actively engaged in the buying process, and should be routed to sales.

The most accurate lead scoring models comprise both explicit and implicit information. Explicit scores are based on information provided by or about the prospect—for example, company size, industry segment, job title or geographic location. Implicit scores are derived from monitoring prospect behavior; examples of these include Web-site visits, whitepaper downloads or e-mail opens and clicks.[1]

Research has shown that self-supplied explicit data can sometimes be overinflated or understated, but actions never lie, so a combination of the two (implicit and explicit) will give the best criteria on which to score.


See also

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