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Line of business

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Line of business (LOB) is a general term which often refers to a set of one or more highly related products which service a particular customer transaction or business need.

In some industry sectors, like insurance, "line of business" also has a regulatory and accounting definition to mean a statutory set of insurance policies. It may or may not be a strategically relevant business unit.

Used with regard to computer applications as in "line of business applications". (A line-of-business application is one of the set of critical computer applications that are vital to running an enterprise). Ex: "Governance has become the hot topic in SOA over the past year. As companies SOA usage becomes real, widespread and line-of-business, the requirement to ensure that the systems are properly governed has emerged as the number one concern for SOA adopters."

Mobile LOB

Mobile LOB applies to LOB applications running on mobile computers or PDAs usually rugged to be used on the field to process transactions at the site of the customer with minimal usage of paper.

Typical mobile application is Mobile Route Accounting.

See also