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MediaWiki widget
Widget Provider:Any MediaWiki site
Widget Code:Widget:MediaWiki
Error in widget AddThis: Unable to load template wiki 'AddThis'

To copy this widget to your wiki, cut and paste the entire source of the MediaWiki widget code page into a page called Widget:MediaWiki on your wiki.

If you don't have the Widget extension set up on your wiki, go to its description page on MediaWiki.org and follow the installation instructions.

SECURITY PROBLEM: ANY IFRAME CAN BE INTEGRATED In YOUR WIKI (with dedicated script js!), which avoid interest of Widgets!!!

This widget allows you to embed pages from MediaWiki wikis on your wiki page.

To insert this widget, use the following code:

{{#widget:MediaWiki|id=Observational astronomy}}


Widget for specific wiki

If you'd like to simplify process for including content from specific wiki, you can create a template that calls this widget with predefined baseurl parameter. See sample templates for AcaWiki, EoEarth, Citizendium, OpenWetWare, Scholarpedia, WikiEducator, Wikipedia.

Please avoid adding widgets for specific wikis.

Sample result

Error in widget MediaWiki: Unable to load template wiki 'MediaWiki'


Error in widget DISQUS: Unable to load template wiki 'DISQUS'