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Northeastern University

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The School of Technological Entrepreneurship at Northeastern University is a specialized university program and curriculum focused on the study of entrepreneurship and business creation.

About the program

The nation's first stand-alone school providing real-world experience to ensure today's aspiring entrepreneur is driving tomorrow's technological innovation. Because technological entrepreneurship resides the intersection of technology and business, it takes a special school with the independence and ability to draw together the expertise of different colleges and create a coherent program focused on specifically on technological entrepreneurship.



School of Technological Entrepreneurship
Northeastern University
304 Hayden Hall
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115-5000

Phone: (617) 373-2788
Email: [mailto: ]
Website: http://www.cba.neu.edu/ste/

See also

This University Entrepreneurship Program Entry is part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Project, an open and collaborative effort to collect and organize information about doing business in U.S. states and localities (and later, other countries). Find more entrepreneurship programs at the University Entrepreneurship Programs Hub. Visit the SmallBusiness.com Local Project entry to learn more about the project