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Spanish SEO

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Spanish search engine optimization, also know as Spanish SEO, is a process aimed at improving the volume and quality of traffic to a Spanish Web site from search engines via "natural" search results. Search engines are a central focal point when it comes to marketing your company on the Internet because a large number of the unique visitors to your Web site will find you mostly after conducting a keyword search in a search engine of their choice.

Professional Search engine optimization (SEO) services for Spanish websites targeting US Hispanics and Latin American markets are less common in the United States but the number is growing along with the importance of the Hispanic market segment. You can google the word "Spanish SEO" or "Spanish SEM" and you can review the first two pages of the search results to have an idea of the most powerful players.


  • Create great Spanish-language content: Having unique keyword rich content that is relevant to your business is one of the most important ingredients. If you don't get this part right, all subsequent efforts could become futile.

  • Connect with your Hispanic audience: Connecting to your audience is a smart thing to do. If your prospective and existing customers get the feeling that you are all about business and selling they will go away. Creating an emotional bond with your consumers goes a long way.
  • Partner up with the right partner: It's common that small and medium companies try to do the Spanish SEO themselves, especially if they have in-house employees who can speak Spanish. But remember that Spanish SEO requires someone who can stay abreast of new strategies and methodologies so eventually you want to consider partner up with a Spanish SEO / Spanish SEM company who can align with your overall search marketing strategy and support your company's growth.
  • Use social media: Hispanics are social. You have something of value to say, and they will share it with their friends and family. Connect with their values, especially family values, entrepreneurship, and work life balance.


Spanish SEO is an important aspect of Hispanic marketing. However, the Hispanic market includes the Spanish-speaking audience but it goes beyond to include the English-speaking audience. Those who are Spanish-preferred normally are first and second generation of Hispanics or are less acculturated. Whereas those who are English-preferred typically are second and third generation and are more acculturated. There's an overlap between these two groups which are called bilingual Hispanics, and this is a very important segment because this group responds to both English and Spanish messages.

See also

External links