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University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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The Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship at University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a specialized university program and curriculum focused on the study of entrepreneurship and business creation.

About the program

The mission of the Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship is to inspire and empower UNL students to become world-class entrepreneurs and to help create an entrepreneurial environment that encourages them to do it here. We fulfill this mission by: Encouraging students to consider ownership as an alternative career path; Enabling students to identify new business opportunities; Training students to understand and be able to accept the responsibilities of ownership; Facilitating mentor relationships with business owners in order to improve their odds for success through incubation, apprenticeship, and/or personal consultation; and Connecting students who have plans for new ventures and those who have the financial ability to make these plans become realities.



Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
P.O. Box 880405
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0405

Phone: 402-472-7211
Email: [mailto: ]
Website: http://cba.unl.edu/outreach/ent/

See also

This University Entrepreneurship Program Entry is part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Project, an open and collaborative effort to collect and organize information about doing business in U.S. states and localities (and later, other countries). Find more entrepreneurship programs at the University Entrepreneurship Programs Hub. Visit the SmallBusiness.com Local Project entry to learn more about the project