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University of San Francisco

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The School of Business and Professional Studies at The University of San Francisco is a specialized university program and curriculum focused on the study of entrepreneurship and business creation.

About the program

The San Francisco Bay Area where a significant portion of our modern culture was invented is the ideal location for students who want to prepare themselves for an entrepreneurial career. And the knowledge, insight, and well-connected experience you'll find at USF through their faculty, alumni, and industry contacts is intended to help you leverage your personal involvement and professional career.



School of Business and Professional Studies
The University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, California 94117-1080

Phone: 415-422-5555
Email: [mailto: ]
Website: http://web.usfca.edu/templates/bps_inside.aspx?id=2147486442

See also

This University Entrepreneurship Program Entry is part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Project, an open and collaborative effort to collect and organize information about doing business in U.S. states and localities (and later, other countries). Find more entrepreneurship programs at the University Entrepreneurship Programs Hub. Visit the SmallBusiness.com Local Project entry to learn more about the project