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Help:Why should I register and create a SmallBusiness.com user profile?

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You don't have to register on SmallBusiness.com to use it, but here are some reasons why you should register and create a user profile. To get an idea of what a user profile can be, we're going to use Rex Hammock's.

Here are some reasons why you should register on SmallBusiness.com and create such a user profile:

To help make the small business world a smarter place

  • Much of the material you find on SmallBusiness.com is contributed by people like you. The how-tos, web directories and glossary definitions are examples of the kinds of information shared by others -- and that you can share if you are a registered user of SmallBusiness.com.
  • Only registered users of SmallBusiness.com can make additions or changes to SmallBusiness.com. This is to reduce the random or unhelpful content you can find on some user-contributed websites.

Promote yourself and your business (appropriately)

  • On SmallBusiness.com, entries cannot include promotional or first-person messages or links to commercial websites (except in certain instances). However, registered users of SmallBusiness.com are encouraged to include such marketing information about themselves and their business on their user profile. Links to commercial are not only allowed there, they are encouraged on your user profile. And since every contribution you make to an entry includes a link to your user profile, the more you provide helpful information on SmallBusiness.com, the more you are helping people find your business.
  • At the bottom of each entry, there is a link to the user profiles of the person who created the entry and to those who have contributed to it. The history of each entry reveals the specific knowledge you added to the entry and links to your user profile.
  • On your user profile, links to your website and the display of RSS feed headlines from blog or Twitter, or video from YouTube, can help people find you.

See also

Convinced? We hope so. Here are some helpful links to head to next: