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Line management

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Line management is the work of a business manager to administrate the enterprise activities that contribute directly to the output of products or services. In a corporate hierarchy, a line manager will hold authority over a vertical product line or chain of command. They are charged with meeting corporate objectives in a specific functional area or line of business.

As an example, one type of line management at an automobile conglomerate might be the "light truck division", or even more specifically, the "light truck marketing line". Similarly, one type of line management at a financial services firm might be "retention marketing" or "state municipal bond funds".

Other responsibilities

The line management function will often cross into other functions vital to the success of a business, such as human resources, finance, and risk management. Indeed, at the DuPont Corporation, responsibility for risk management is vested with line management.[1] Human resources obligations are also increasingly being assigned or "devolved" to line managers.[2]
